
The District Attorney’s Consumer and Environmental Protection investigators work with the unit’s prosecutors to handle a broad range of consumer protection activities including unfair or dishonest business practices in Ventura County. These cases may include claims of false advertising, price-fixing, or deceptive sales practices. The same team of investigators also participates in the investigation of environmental crimes such as oil spills and illegal hazardous waste transportation, treatment, storage, or disposal.

When a child is being wrongfully withheld or concealed from a person with a right of custody, the District Attorney’s Child Abduction and Recovery Unit seeks to act on behalf of the court to assist in the enforcement of custody and visitation orders. The District Attorney’s Office does not represent either parent or party and is not a substitute for private counsel. Wrongfully concealing or withholding a child from someone with a right to custody or visitation can be a felony; however in most cases, the Child Recovery Unit will attempt to facilitate voluntary compliance with court orders, including the return of the child to the jurisdiction where the child was wrongfully removed from, regardless of where that may be. There are also specific provisions that apply to international cases. To obtain more information, please visit the California Superior Court’s Family Law Self-Help Center website at: Additional information regarding…

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Offenders under 18 years of age at the time of the offense are typically handled by the district attorney’s Juvenile Unit. The goal of the Juvenile Unit’s staff is protection of the community while also rehabilitating delinquent minors through informal and formal sanctions. In addition to the review and prosecution of criminal cases in Juvenile Court, the attorneys also participate in specialized rehabilitation and prevention programs including Juvenile Drug Court, Recovery Classroom, as well as the “THRIVE” (Truancy Habits Reduced Increases Vital Education) program aimed at eliminating truancies. Cases are referred to the District Attorney’s Office by the Ventura County Probation Agency. Law Enforcement agencies send cases involving minors directly to the Probation Agency who refers cases to the District Attorney’s Office for review. In cases of minor or first time offenders, the Probation Agency’s Youth Services team may elect to provide informal intervention without referral to the District Attorney’s…

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Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery where people profit from the control and exploitation of others. As defined under U.S. federal law, victims of human trafficking include children involved in the sex trade, adults who are coerced or deceived into commercial sex acts, and anyone forced into different forms of “labor or services” such as domestic workers held in a home, or farm-workers forced to labor against their will. Human trafficking is a felony. For more information, see our page on Human Trafficking

The enforcement of California’s environmental laws is essential to protect human health, the environment, and the state and local economies. Fair and uniform enforcement of rules and regulations governing the environment benefits law abiding businesses, individuals, and improves the quality of life in our community. Deputy District Attorneys assigned to the Environmental Protection Unit prosecute businesses and individuals who violate environmental laws and workplace safety in Ventura County. We are committed to protecting the environment and work closely with agencies tasked with achieving and enforcing environmental regulatory compliance and protecting aquatic life in our local streambeds as well as the Channel Islands and Ventura Harbors. Click here to see more about the District Attorney’s fight against environmental crimes

The Consumer Mediation Unit staff attempt to resolve disputes between businesses and consumers on a wide range of issues. Mediation is a way for parties to reach a mutually agreed upon resolution to a dispute without the need to go to court or hire an attorney. There is no charge to either party to use mediation to settle a dispute. The information obtained through mediation is kept confidential. Although not permitted to give legal advice, the staff in Consumer Mediation are trained to assist the public in the following areas: Mediations are conducted by telephone, e-mail and letters. There is no need to schedule or attend a meeting to resolve a dispute. Neither party is bound to accept an offer to settle a case in mediation. Any resolution is agreed upon by all parties. Allegations of criminal conduct made by either party are not investigated in the mediation process. When…

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The Consumer Protection Unit investigates and prosecutes civil and criminal cases to enforce laws protecting the public against unlawful, unfair, and fraudulent business practices and deceptive advertising. Attorneys in this unit also seek to increase public awareness of issues regarding consumers through presentations to schools, service clubs and other groups. The Consumer Fraud Unit accepts complaints directly from the public and the complaint form is available here or may be obtained from the District Attorney’s Office staff who are available during regular business hours. Any inquiries or referrals about potential violations of consumer laws may be directed to unit staff at (805) 662-1750.

Writs and Appeals The Writs, Appeals and Training Unit files and responds to writs and appeals in state courts, including the California Supreme Court, California Court of Appeal and Superior Court Appellate Division. The unit also responds to habeas corpus petitions in state and federal courts. The attorneys in the unit handle approximately 100 writs and appeals per year. Responses to defense writs and appeals in completed felony cases are handled by the State Attorney General. The District Attorney’s Office responds to writs in felony cases that are still pending trial, writs in misdemeanor cases and misdemeanor appeals. The District Attorney’s Office also initiates and handles People’s appeals and People’s writs in misdemeanor and felony cases. The District Attorney’s Office ordinarily does not file briefs or participate in oral arguments in traffic infraction cases. Additionally, the unit handles post-conviction review of cases under new legislation that allows judicial consideration of…

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The Public Integrity Unit evaluates and prosecutes complaints against public officials and others in a position of public trust for misappropriation of public funds and other misuse of public office. Matters handled by the unit include embezzlement by government officials or by officials of non-profit organizations, misuse of government resources, conflicts of interest, failing to report economic interests, and violations of election laws. Some violations may be referred for investigation and/or administrative action to the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC), which has concurrent jurisdiction with the District Attorney for violations of the Political Reform Act.

When a child is being wrongfully withheld or concealed from a person with a right of custody, the District Attorney’s Child Abduction and Recovery Unit seeks to act on behalf of the court to assist in the enforcement of custody and visitation orders. The District Attorney’s Office does not represent either parent or party and is not a substitute for private counsel. Wrongfully concealing or withholding a child from someone with a right to custody or visitation can be a felony; however in most cases, the Child Recovery Unit will attempt to facilitate voluntary compliance with court orders, including the return of the child to the jurisdiction where the child was wrongfully removed from, regardless of where that may be. There are also specific provisions that apply to international cases. To obtain more information, please visit the California Superior Court’s Family Law Self-Help Center website at: Additional information regarding…

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