Victim Services Volunteer Program
The Ventura County District Attorney’s Office provides services to thousands of victims every year and seeks qualified volunteers to make an important contribution to public safety and crime victims in Ventura County. Volunteer staff complete an initial 48 hours of training, which prepares them to assist victims with certain services, including obtaining a restraining order, emergency shelter placement, and court accompaniment. Volunteer training includes the following subject areas. For more information click here.
Notification Rights
Victims of crime, their next of kin, parent or guardian of minor victims, witness, or concerned citizens may request to be notified of the release, death, or escape of a convicted offender. Click here to Read More Requests for notification may be made by completing a “Request for Victim Services” Form (CDCR 1707), which available on the CDCR website below, or by contacting the Office of Victim and Survivor Rights and Services: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR)Office of Victim and Survivor Rights and ServicesPO Box 942883Sacramento, CA 94283E-mail: Victim Information Notification Everyday (VINE) VINE is an automated service that lets you track the custody status of an adult offender who is in state prison or local jail by visiting or calling (877) 411-5588. Ventura County Jail Inmate Custody Status Information on custody status is available for inmates who are currently in custody at the Ventura…