Author Archives: Designer

Senate Bill 978 (Bradford) was approved by Governor Brown on September 30, 2018. This legislation requires POST and local law enforcement agencies to conspicuously post on their websites “all current standards, policies, practices, operating procedures, and education and training materials that would otherwise be available to the public” if a request was made pursuant to the California Public Records Act, located in Government Code §§ 6250 et seq. The bill takes effect on January 1, 2020. (See Penal Code § 13650.) Click here to view the full Bureau of Investigation Policy

Human Resources is responsible for administering human resources, employee benefits administration, risk management, labor relations, workers’ compensation benefits, and various other administrative duties for the approximately 300 staff members of the District Attorney’s Office. Staff ensure the consistent interpretation and application of applicable Memoranda of Agreement between the County and various unions, labor laws and the County’s Personnel Rules and Regulations. Employee and witness travel arrangements are also handled by the unit, which involves out of county, out of state and, occasionally, out of country travel. Additionally, staff serve as the office liaison with County HR/Benefits, Labor Relations, Risk Management, and various other county agencies as well as outside vendors. For those interested in employment with the District Attorney’s Office, please visit the county’s web site at for a listing of current job opportunities.
